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Moderated by: Greg Fletcher |
Spark Plug Gap? | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 04-13-2005 02:24 am |
1st Post |
Ben Friedman Member
After numerous (and increasingly frustrating) episodes toying with the points in my distributor, I have finally given up and decided to switch to a Petronix ignition with a Flamethrower coil (both from the JHPS store). My parts are scheduled to arrive today, so my question is this: will I need to reset the spark plug gap now that I have that many more volts running through my system, and if so, to what distance? Also, any information or tips regarding the conversion process would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ben
Posted: 04-13-2005 01:44 pm |
2nd Post |
Brian Kelly Member
Hello Ben, there was a discussion a while back about plug gap with the Pertronics on the old board. As I recall a gap of .035” was recommended which is where I have mine set and all seems fine. Also, read the instructions that come with the Flame thrower coil you get. The version I got from Delta (I believe it was the flame thrower II) called for removal of the Ballast resistor located on the fire wall. To do this you can just remove the wires from the ballast and connect them to each other OR if you have the electrical schematic study it and you’ll see that you can remove the start up ignition wires which bypass the ballast when ignition key is in the start position. With the new coil and the ballast resistor out the higher starting voltage circuit is redundant. Removing it simplifies the wiring under the bonnet. Just something to consider, Brian
Posted: 04-13-2005 01:56 pm |
3rd Post |
Jensen Healey Super Moderator
Hi Ben, You can change the plug gap to optimize performance but it's not a requirement. Try .035. I run .040 with the Pertronix and MSD6a. The Pertronix will change your timing considerably so re-set it before running the car. Once it's running and you can use a timing light, 34 degrees at maximum advance is the recommended setting. Good luck, Kurt Housh
Posted: 04-13-2005 10:14 pm |
4th Post |
John Kimbrough Member
Ben, I switched to Pertronix and documented the process on my web page. http://home.comcast.net/~jrkengr2/
Posted: 04-16-2005 04:11 am |
5th Post |
Jensen Healey Super Moderator
Last edited on 04-16-2005 04:13 am by Jensen Healey |
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