The engine runs fine and the pump runs when cold starts, as it warms up, after 15-20 minutes, the hesitation begins and starts running rough. I pull the choke and it the engines continuous to run, but on normal rpm's it just dies, and it takes some time to start again. Any ideas?
Thanks, no vac, leaks found. seems that as soon as temperature is reached the hesitation and eventually the thing just dies. Is like it the pressure runs down or the pump just does not provide pressure as it gets warm. Frustrating!
Here is a suggestion, (it's the way my car and afew others are) put a full face gasket over the by-pass valves on each carb. screw in the temprature compensator so that it seats the vavle, make sure the floatbowl vent line is open, check the rubber big diagraphm for leaks, you can do this stuff without removing the carbs. If you still cant get it right drain the radiator and pull the carbs off along with the manifold, best way to do it so you can really get a good look at what you have. If you have to go that far then you will be rebuilding the carbs. This is still assuming the ignition is fine.