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Viscous fan clutch | Rating: |
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Posted: 05-25-2008 06:25 am |
1st Post |
dwalls1 Member
The fan on 17798 is mounted solidly to the pulley. As this car had dealer installed A/C on it, could the solid mount have been part of the A/C installation? Will probably get around to installing an electric fan eventually, but any harm in the soild mount fan other than the noise? All the A/C stuff has been removed either by the PO or me. Am having the radiator recored with what the shop owner says will be a super efficient core compared to the stock one. Will let you know how that works out. Same fellow did my TR7 radiator some years back and it has never had overheating problems. Am getting antsy to get my baby back on the road, but keep finding things to upgrade or repair. Started out with just putting new foam in the driver's seat. How did that turn into a radiator rebuild?
Posted: 05-25-2008 06:39 am |
2nd Post |
Frank Schwartz Guest
Well, my experience with a GT was that the viscous fan was totally ineffective and even when replaced with a new one, it still did not do the job expected of it. I replaced it witha SPAL fan which worked beautifully. We later purchased a rusted out JH from Florida for parts and it had an a/c partially still remaining in the car. It was a very late 75..one of the last twenty built and it had the viscous fan. Of course the car was not in any way operating so whether the fan worked or not is problematical. My personal opiinion is they are not so good. On the GT, all seemed to be working nicely, but when the car was stopped and shut off, the radiator began to boil violently and usually then dumped most of the coolant in the driveway. The electric fan solved this problem totally. Odd, because other GT owners had the viscous fan and apparantly had no problems with it. We even had the radiator cleaned and checked, too.
Posted: 05-25-2008 04:12 pm |
3rd Post |
dwalls1 Member
Thanks Frank, great to hear from you. If the viscous couplings were a problem, that propably explains why the PO removed it. The plastic fan itself shows signs of having been abused by adjacent components while spinning, so there's no telling what has transpired. I am getting closer to roadability. I might not be as anxcious if I hadn't had the opportunity to drive my J-H as much as I did before I started this round of repairs. Thanks again and take care. Dale
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