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Engine Rebuild  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 04-12-2006 02:34 am
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Paul Koehler

Joined: 04-06-2005
Location: Malone, New York USA
Posts: 94
Thanks Tim for your treatise on the Lotus 907. Your knowledge and sensible suggestions are only outdone by your willingness to share and ability to communicate. You have given me and I'm sure others, plenty to think about.

Are DHLA-45's  and airbox from the 2 breeds of Lotus you mentioned,  easily available in your local? Do you get from a bone yard or buy new?

And finally, it is great that this thread has garnered so much input, from a variety of sources. All the points of view seem to be represented. All the talk of cross drilling, dowl-pinning, bore alignment, tell me that, probably this is a job best left to the professional. However, no one has asked the magical question: "How Much"? Am I the only one intrested? Or is it a case of:"If you have to ask, don't bother"?

Paul Koehler

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 Posted: 04-12-2006 04:12 am
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Joined: 05-01-2005
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota USA
Posts: 575
Paul Koehler wrote: Are DHLA-45's  and airbox from the 2 breeds of Lotus you mentioned,  easily available in your local? Do you get from a bone yard or buy new?


Lotus cars were never imported to the US in big numbers and the non-Turbo models never came in with Dellortos.   The Carb-turbo Esprits used a pressurized Dellorto DHLA 45M that would require more effort to convert.   Not a big deal,  but why bother.   So anyway,  no,  the DHLA 45's are not common on this side of the pond,  but they can be had.   They get a little expensive new,  but I think the guys at JAE or Dave Bean could probably set you up with a pair.   Delta probably could too if you asked real nice.   Or my favorite source for all things Dellorto is Eurocarb in the UK.   Matthew knows all about the Lotus version and can usually provide a pair already jetted to the Lotus spec you choose.

Eurocarb Ltd   (attn:  Matthew Cooper)
(Weber,  Dellorto,  Carbtune II Manometer)
256 Kentwood Hill
RG31  6DR
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 118 943 1180  Phone
+44 (0) 118 943 1190  FAX
<sales@dellorto.co.uk> e-mail
<http://www.racecar.co.uk/dellorto/> website

If you can be patient,  surf eBay UK and Lotus Dellortos will show up from time to time.   But they could be for the 2.0 907,  2.2  911 or 912,  or the turbo 2.2 910 (don't bother).   Any of them could be rejetted to work for your engine,  but Dellorto parts are a little expensive so it would be worthwhile to shop for something that will work as they come.   Maybe just a little tweaking on the idle circuit.

For a 2.0,  shoot for the carbs from a Lotus Spec 5 engine (1976-1980 Euro 907, 36mm chokes).   For a 2.2,  go for Spec 9 (1980+  2.2 912, 37mm chokes).   Most J-H conversations seem to advise against large chokes,  but I wouldn't go with smaller than 35mm  (Spec 3,  1975 UK 907,  35 mm chokesl)

The airboxes aren't exactly readily available in the US (I'm in Minnesota), but there are sources in the UK and there's a fellow by the name of Gerry Foley in the Pacific NW someplace (I can find his address if you need it) who makes reproduction Lotus fiberglass parts,  including airboxes.   I haven't tried the Lotus airbox in a J-H,  but the Elite/ Eclat have a pretty darned low hood line.   If the airbox fits in there,  I would guess it's got a good chance of fitting in a Jensen as well.   I might even have half of a Zenith Stromberg airbox kicking around from when I upgraded to Dellortos.

Tim Engel

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 Posted: 04-12-2006 06:28 am
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Dan Eiland

Joined: 03-18-2005
Location: El Paso, Texas USA
Posts: 159
 If you remember in some earlier posts I mentioned  having two engines. One was rebuilt in 1989 and came out of my 1974 Jensen Healey with less than 8000 miles on it. The other is completely apart and has no nuts and bolts to reassemble the thing. The second engine came with the abandoned JH project car I purchased. This engine looks like it has already been to a machine shop, but if it isn't too expensive I might take it back and follow Judson's suggestions and have the dowels added, then have the block align honed again, but this time for the 180o bearings from the 318. If my crank isn't cross drilled I'll check to see what this would cost and if it's not much I can get it done.  I had planned to build one performance engine out of the two engines. Now I'm thinking it might be best if I just purchased all new nuts and bolts to assemble my performance engine. Does anyone know if there is a list of all the nuts and bolts used on the 907 Lotus engine? I guess I would need to know the Grade and size of every nut and bolt on and in  the 907 engine? Can someone help me out on this request?

Thanks ahead,


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 Posted: 04-12-2006 10:01 am
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Jim Ketcham

Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Salt Point, New York USA
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I have a list at home.  I will send you one when I return later this week.


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 Posted: 05-04-2006 05:55 am
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Dan Eiland

Joined: 03-18-2005
Location: El Paso, Texas USA
Posts: 159

Thank You very much for sharing the bolt and nut list you sent me. This is very impressive and you have obviously done a lot of work to assemble this list. If you don't mind I would love to send this to Greg and maybe he can post it in the monthly mag and possibly find a place on the JHPS website (with credit going to you or anyone else who has contributed to the list). You should really think about sharing this list with the entire community. I have some other lists that I can check and cross-reference to yours to see if the list can be expanded. If the list was available through the JHPS then it could be expanded as other JH owners add to it until we have a complete list of every nut and bolt used in and on a Jensen Healey. I would be happy to take this on so others could send me information about nuts, bolts, screws, etc...etc...used to assemble the Jensen Healey that I could add to the list until it is complete for the entire car. The list could be posted to the JHPS website and possibly downloadable so owners could print it out and place it in their parts manuals.

Next we could work on a list of the weatherstripping used along with pictures and cutaways of each type.

Greg and Jim, let me know what you think.

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 Posted: 10-10-2014 04:29 am
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26th Post

Joined: 06-11-2009
Posts: 5
Can I have a copy of the nut and bolt list.....Does it list the Grade strength of each of the bolts. I'm especially interested in the grade of bolt used for the main studs.

Why I hear you ask. Because I just want to know due to my crank girdle strengthening plate/ sump pan that I am designing for my 907 race engine. ( it's a dry sump conversion). It's a 2.2 stroker with cross drilled crank running fully dowled main girdle align honed and running tri metal bearings from Gary Kemp. But I am about to undertake an upgrade of the bottom end to convert it to 318 Chrysler main bearings as this gives me much greater selection of main bearing brands and thicknesses. What I have found is that there are two year groups of 318 bearings. Pre 74 and Post 74. For those who have undertaken the 318 bearing conversion which era bearing did you use? Also did anyone open or close up the tolerances of the main bearings to that of the original lotus spec to account for the block expansion that takes place in a race engine. Did anyone change to a different oil grade as a result.

For information 75 model block. My lotus engine has been designed to rev. With a very expensive new CNC ported big valve head to be installed as part of this gen 2 upgrade.
At gen 1 upgrade it got the fully dowled block, new liners, a talbot sunbeam works ported head with 1mm oversize inlets and exhaust valves. All head parts by Gary Kemp. Pistons by Gary, light weight rods by Gary. high lift Gary special 104 cams. Match ported inlet, and Tony Law tuned sand formed exhaust headers. Mechanical belt tensioner on HTD belt with vernier Cam pulleys. Stage two is all about the bottom end strengthening as well as the new CNC big port/ valve head. Oh and the three stage dry sump system. Why? Accusump worked fine everywhere with trapped doored wet sump with windage trays.......except at Philip Island on the Southern Loop! Did I mention the spun bearing and new crank as a result!

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