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> Jensen Healey & Jensen GT Tech > Engine & Transmission > DIFFERENT HUB THICKNESSES????

 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher
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 Posted: 02-05-2006 03:32 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2005
Posts: 58
Working on my disk brake conversion kit I discovered there are two different hub thicknesses. One hub plate is approximately 5/16" thick, and the other is 13/32" ( I didn't mic them/ used an inch scale caliper ). Anyhow, can anyone confirm this? The probelem/ mystery is that I bought a pair of axles on Ebay that have the same thickness hubs, but I have a pair on a five speed rear end where the passenger side hub is thicker. My friend in Massachusetts has like three rear ends around and they all have different thickness hubs.

What's going on? Do all cars have this anomaly? Can anyone even begin to explain why? The manual doesn't note this difference. If any of you out there has a rear end kicking around could you check the hubs for me?

The differing thicnesses will mean a modification between right and left brake caliper brackets since the location will differ relative to the position of the rotor compared to the axle flange. Not a problem if all cars have the different thickness hubs, but would be for the occasional one that doesn't.

Your help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Norm Vandal, Roxbury, VT

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 Posted: 02-06-2006 05:05 pm
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 406

A quick check of one of my 4sp axles shows both hub thicknesses ~0.315".  While your hubs may be different thicknesses, I'm willing to bet the measurement from the hub face to the housing is constant on both sides.  If it wasn't the drums would have the same problem you are describing.



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