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Speedometer cable connection  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 01-19-2006 09:13 pm
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Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Placerville, California USA
Posts: 21
I'm getting the transmission put back in am need a little help with the details.  

How exactly do I put the  speedo cable into the transmission and make sure it's seated properly?  There appears to be a side screw and some kind of grommett (gromet?) that doesn't seem to mount to anything. Possibly this slid down from above.  It looks like you just push the square wire into the hole and tighten the side screw, but how do you know it's all the way in properly... and what is that gromet for?

P.S. By the way, I opened up this clutch because, after this car sat for 12 years, I started driving it and went on a couple short drives (< 100 miles total).  The clutch started making a bit of noise for a couple days and then when I went out one morning, the clutch would not dissengage.  The throw out bearing had some play, but still spun well and the clutch plate itself looked bad, and might have been stuck to the flywheel at some point, so I replace those, but have not replaced the pressure plate (Is this also known as the driven plate?).  Now that I've re-mounted the transmission back on, and starting putting bolts back on, I'm wondering whether I should take the clutch apart again and replace the pressure plate, or finish putting the rest of the bolts back on and seeing if it's fixed.  When I hooked up the cable, the clutch was properly dissengaging when someone pushed on the clutch pedal.  Opinions?

Last edited on 01-20-2006 05:43 am by Glen

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 Posted: 03-27-2006 06:46 pm
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Jon Plowe

Joined: 10-10-2005
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 35
Is it a five speed transmission? If it is, make sure you have all those gromets/bushes and other bits that go with them as I'm told you cannot get some of them new anymore.  They are pricey secondhand (as I know to my cost after they fell out somewhere between the bench and the car). Without the cable the gearbox will dump it's oil on the floor. I would suggest you get a parts diagram to see how they go together and to confirm you have all the bits. If you gearbox is 90% installed personally I would give the clutch a careful try, but accept that any components not replaced, or thought to maybe be fautly, may well fail sooner than hoped.


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