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Engine removal | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 12-02-2020 08:16 pm |
1st Post |
jensendriver123 Member
Hi folks, I'm getting ready to remove my engine for rebuild and wondering if anybody has any advise/suggestions on how to properly secure the engine to the hoist. I've purchased the following hoist and am trying to figure out what sort of straps/chains I should use and how to secure the engine. Thanks very much. https://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_200640934_200640934?cm_mmc=Google-pla&utm_source=Google_PLA&utm_medium=Automotive%20%3E%20Engine%20Hoists%20+%20Stands&utm_campaign=Strongway&utm_content=46219&&ds_e_ad_type=pla&gclid=CjwKCAiA2O39BRBjEiwApB2Ikv8zwndM2nX-bakEGgprs21EEfX1wVnM819L-v5Vm7DUXbRA6E2m7RoCopEQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Richard
Posted: 12-03-2020 02:33 am |
2nd Post |
discogodfather Member
Luckily the engine isn't very heavy, with the transmission it's about 320 lbs and without it's about 275. I always remove the carbs, the top shock, and distributor, then wrap two 2" nylon straps, one towards the center of the oil pan(in front of the sump)and one in the back of the oil sump itself by the transmission, then lightly preload the cherry picker. Because of the lighter weight you can get away with extending the cherry picker to its longest length, which helps a bit (but always look at the specific weight rating on your rig). Then its just about using the tilting beam to even out some pressure, then removing the front engine mounts. It's easier to remove the mounts from the top bolt, but I usually undo both the top and the bottom bolts. Disconnect the tranny and unbolt it from it's mount. (this is all assuming the usual wiring, hoses, exhaust, etc. is all undone already). Then it's just a game of tilting and maneuvering the engine up and out.
Posted: 12-03-2020 01:36 pm |
3rd Post |
Sander Member
Not to confuse the issue but for educational purposes, another option is to disconnect the obvious, remove the few bolts and nuts holding the subframe, lifting up the front of the car and rolling out the engine with tranny. This might be a safer option, possibly faster and allows easy access to removing mounts and give more cleaning opportunities. I couldn't find the pictures that were on this site ... maybe someone has pictures or a more detailed discription?
Posted: 12-03-2020 01:50 pm |
4th Post |
Sander Member
I found the pictures: http://www.jensenhealey.com/forums/view_topic.php?id=794&forum_id=2&highlight=lift+body
Posted: 12-03-2020 05:14 pm |
5th Post |
jensendriver123 Member
Is it better to remove the engine With the bell housing attached (I'll be lifting it out with the engine hoist) or should I first disconnect the bell housing from the engine and just pull the engine out? I think the manual describes removing the engine only.
Posted: 12-04-2020 03:43 am |
6th Post |
discogodfather Member
I've always just removed the engine and tranny combo, it's easy enough.
Posted: 12-04-2020 04:12 pm |
7th Post |
jensendriver123 Member
Ahh. ok. Great! Thanks for all the good tips. I'll try to post a picture when I get it out.
Current time is 07:19 pm | |
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