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Getrag 235/5 Rebuild Options  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 04-02-2020 06:35 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
I have a 73 with a 235/5. When it was first built 20 years ago it ran very smoothly, I had it off the road from 2008 to 2020. Now I am back at it, and as I recall in 2008 it had started to pop out of 2nd and 4th a bit, but only from time to time, and mostly on hard cornering.

I notice that on decel it would start to pop out of 2nd all the time. I decided to replace the trans mount and motor mounts. The trans mount was a mush so I was a good idea, the motor mounts were petrified. Replaced the oil with 90 weight Redline GL4. I did notice on the magnetic drain plug that it had a sludge of metallic goo, not a huge amount but maybe a teaspoon or so.

After doing all the work, including rebuilding the linkage completely with a delta kit and replacing the rubber mount on the shift arm, I drove it for the first time today.

Shifts great, a little smoother than before, nice positive action, but BAM it pops out of 2nd now if I just slightly modulate the throttle. Really disappointing considering its actual WORSE than it was before.

So the mounts and linkake weren't to blame, I am going to remove the rubber hurst like gaitor I have on it to make sure it isn't interfering or pressuring the gear shifter at all.

Question: after that, where do I go? Could an older clutch be to blame here? Or am I destined to pull the tranny and rebuild it. To that end:

1) Can I rebuild it myself? I have some special tools and have rebuilt some basic american stuff in the past, like a Muncie, etc. Do I need special tools? Who sells a rebuild kit?

2) Any places or shops specialize in rebuilds? What does it cost?

3) Has the Toyota 5 spd kits all gone away at this point? I don't see it listed on JHPS.

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 Posted: 04-02-2020 08:07 am
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Joined: 07-16-2014
Posts: 200
Sorry I only know a 235/5 rebuild specialist in the UK, who focuses on BMW 2002 motorsport applications. In the US you might want to get in touch with http://www.metricmechanic.com in MO. They are classic BMW drivetrain specialists but seem to focus more on the later Getrag 265 box. But they might be able to point you in the right direction.

Best wishes,

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 Posted: 04-02-2020 08:49 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
This popping out of gear thing has been driving me crazy for 12 years. Tonight I thought to myself as I was going to bed- wait a minute, I fitted a hurst style rubber bellows shift boot back in 2008. I know I spent a huge amount of time getting it just right and made sure it cleared correctly and there was no pressure on the actual stick. So I always just put that out of my mind.

I had the entire center console out for something else and I got the brilliant idea- why don't I drive it like this when there is nothing at all even touching the stick. VIOLA! The problem is completely gone, I was able to modulate throttle in any way and take hard corners and no popping whatsoever! I was shocked how just a little pressure on the stick could have caused this annoying problem.

Well, it's on to either making or finding a simple and thin leather or vinyl shift boot! I can't believe this problem drove me crazy all this time.

Last edited on 04-02-2020 08:50 am by discogodfather

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