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Seals seals and more seals | Rating: ![]() |
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Posted: 04-08-2012 02:26 pm |
1st Post |
NickJ Member
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Well, My JH is down for now. It seems oil is leaking from every gasket on the car. Major leak is either from the oil filter seal or one of the hoses leading to (or from) the oil cooler. There is oil in the fins of the oil pan (this may be from the blown filter seal) and some coming from the gearbox plug. The cam cover gaskets gave out as well and now we have marvelous smoke from oil to the header. I just ordered the new rubber ones. I decided to tackle some of it last night and bought some new 20-50 VR1 and a new WIX filter and thought I would see if that fixed part of the issue........... As some folks on here have encountered, the brass drain plug was so chewed up that I cant get a solid grip with any wrench (BS/W, Metric or STD lol). So now I have to get the car on a lift so I can wrestle this thing off. Any tips???????? Oh man oh man, we have already missed two shows and my garage floor is a bloody mess. Happy Easter gents.
Posted: 04-08-2012 02:42 pm |
2nd Post |
Jensen Healey Super Moderator ![]()
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Use a course file to file down the flats on the sump plug. These were 3/4 Whitworth so most are chewed up from the old Crescent wrench. Mine is now 22mm. Hopefully your oil cooler hoses are still good. Anybody running full synthetic that can give us a report on leaks? Kurt
Posted: 04-08-2012 03:23 pm |
3rd Post |
NickJ Member
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I had read that it was 3/4" W, so I broke out my British Std set that my father bought for his Lotus 7 more than 35 years ago and I knew I would never use. This plug is a replacement brass job apparently as 3/4 was far too big, it seems to be closest to 3/8"W or roughly 18mm. Not that that matters, the poor thing looks like it went through a disposal. I should also mention the enormous Penzoil oil filter with duct tape around the top. This is the first time I have had the car on stands and I found far too many surprises! Still love her though. :)
Posted: 04-09-2012 12:49 pm |
4th Post |
Brett Gibson JH5 20497 Member
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Dont forget to change the sqaure cut o-ring on the oil cooler sandwich plate, opposite side of the oil filter. Delta has them or you can use the one from a Fram oil filter PH3682 same exact thing but 1/3 the cost. Brett
Posted: 04-10-2012 03:48 am |
5th Post |
NickJ Member
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Brett, I am not sure what you mean? Sorry this is my first time really getting under the Jensen. While I used to be a mechanic a couple years ago, I am finding this to be quite different than working on a new Suburban. :) So I spoke with Delta today and ordered the new steel drain plug and a fuel line "T" replacement kit (I'm pretty sure mine is still plastic). Delta's advise on the chewed up drain plug removal....vise grips. Crap, I am a bit nervous, time to start hitting it with PB Blaster now.
Posted: 04-10-2012 01:02 pm |
6th Post |
Brett Gibson JH5 20497 Member
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Nick, if you look at were the two oil cooler hoses connect at the engine just in back of the oil filter you will see they go into a "Flange" on one side of the flange is the oil filter which seals with it's own O-ring on the other side of the flange it goes up against the oil pump, that is the area were there is also another O-ring, I change mine every other oil change otherwise it dry's out and leaks. That O-ring can be found as I said on a Fram Oil filter PH3682 so you take the o-ring of the fram filter and use it on the flange, the only down side is that you end up tossing a perfectly good oil filter, by the way the filter fights a 94 Nissan maxima V6 I had one at one time and happened to be doing a oil change on both cars (JH) and Max and just noticed that the O-ring was the same so I have been using them ever since. As for the drian plug seeing you have a new one coming vise grips or a pipe wrench should get it off, doesn't matter how much you chew up the old one as long as you get it off, good luck. Brett
Posted: 04-10-2012 03:12 pm |
7th Post |
JodyKerr Member ![]()
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Skip the PB Blaster. Make up some Weasel Pee: 50/50 mix of Acetone and ATF. It loosens bolts far better! Gotta store it in a glass jar though, it'll eat just about anything else.
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