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Problems with my gearbox | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 08-05-2009 03:34 pm |
1st Post |
77sito Member
Hi, I'm Oscar and I have some problems with my getrag 5 gearbox. When the car is stopped, I can entry all the gears, but when the car is running the gears don't entry, and the reverse don't entry too. Anyone know if I must to check the clutch? Any know what can I do tomake the gears entry when the car is running? Thanks for your great work and forum too, is a very useful way for the spain jensen owners.
Posted: 08-06-2009 03:41 am |
2nd Post |
Gary Martin JH 15371 Member
Check your clutch cable adjustment. If you have a lot of play it might not be releasing all the way. Also if the car has been sitting for some time, the clutch disk could be stuck to the flywheel. In this case put on the hand brake or block the wheels, push down the clutch and bump the starter motor several times. Might want to pull out the coil wire first to be absolutly safe.
Posted: 08-13-2009 07:22 am |
3rd Post |
77sito Member
Thanks Gary Martin for your great post. I work in my gearbox but I have another problem. The reverse and the first gear don't entry. The others gears entry perfectly, but the rear make a lot of noise and I must to make a big hit to make the gear entry. I have the getrag 5 speed and I don't know where I can find any repair workshop in order to see if in the manual put this problem and why I can repair it. Thanks again Gary Martin for your colaboration in my project and I wait if any of this great phorum can help with my problem. I want to drive my jensen....the summer is ending.
Posted: 08-13-2009 02:52 pm |
4th Post |
Brett Gibson JH5 20497 Member
Oscar, as long as you know that the clucth disengages fully when the car is running as Gary suggest's, then next I would make sure the shifter is working properly, alot of the 5 speeds have so much slop in the shifter due to wear of the bushings that you may not be entering 1st and reverse when you think you are, it's a long shot but something you need to check before declaring the tranny busted. Hate to say this but it sounds like your tranny needs new syncro's, you also need to be gentle with it because you really dont want to bust some teeth off a gear and have it chew the hole box up, 5 speeds are very rare and costly. Brett
Posted: 08-13-2009 07:11 pm |
5th Post |
Mitch Ware Member
Synchro rings are still available from BMW for the 5 speed. You just need to tell your local BMW dealer what part numbers to order from Germany. Pete Barr rebuilds shifters for the 5 speeds, I just had him do mine. I haven't put my tranny back in yet, but I can already see a difference in how much tighter the shifter linkage is even off of the car. Mitch #19670
Posted: 08-31-2009 02:42 am |
6th Post |
Mark Kleimola Member
Oscar, Just a thought - I recently put my trans (4 speed) back in my car and inadvertantly messed up the pilot bearing.. It acted exactly like you described. When not running it would shift fine, then while running, could not shift the gears.. I ended up pulling the trans and replacing the bearing and reinstalled trans (with much more care).. Shifted perfectly afterwards. Worth a try since pilot bearings are only $20 .... Make sure you get the alignment tool also. Mark JH 14911
Posted: 08-16-2010 10:14 am |
7th Post |
77sito Member
Hi again, I'm Oscar. The problem with the gearbox is near to be repaired. The problem with my 1rst and reverse was in the place have the shifter to move it. I remove the center console are between the seats and the gears entry perfectly. I have another problem with the gearbox. When the engine is hot (not arrive at the midle of the temperature water clock) the 1rst and reverse is very difficult to entry. I supose the gearbox oil is hot too and the metal is dilated, for this reason I ask if you full the gearbox with any special oil or is normal valvuline? In the next post it I send photos of my Jensen Healey. Now have 6 months is restored and I drive it along 500 miles aprox. It's amazing to drive it, a little bit hotter but amazing.
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