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 Moderated by: Greg Fletcher
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Engine Stuck  Rate Topic 
 Posted: 04-06-2008 10:19 am
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Joined: 09-14-2006
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 54
Ok my engine is a 910 block and was rebulit less then 200Km ago, it has run no problem, last run at the track on 24th November 2007, then laid up over the off season, started now and then and drove it down to a race car show two weeks ago, 3km from my house no problem

Friday starter just 'clunked', assumed a dead battery, charged battry, no change, put on jump leads from my 4/4 no change, just clunked, checked all the conections all Ok.

Pulled the plugs out, and turned engine by hand, stuck, then freed as I pulled,, started ok. Plenty of good quality oil. Runs Ok now, but question is why did it stick? I'm told I could just be unluckey and it stopped at top dead centre, any thoughts?

Also this is a track car, and the spark plug holes fill up with stones, from the track, cleaning them out to remove the plugs is a big job, as i don't have compressor, any one got any ideas how I can stop the stones going in.



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 Posted: 04-11-2008 05:56 pm
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Greg Fletcher

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: Lake Nacimiento, California USA
Posts: 430
Sounds weird about that clunk. Are you running steel rings or the chrome moly? Do you get a lot of moisture where you are? There are a lot of dissimilar metals all over the engine that can easily corrode.

I would think it would be easy to fashion a metal screen and bolt it onto the cam covers to keep the stones out. If you welded some mesh to a piano hinge, you could mount that at the top cam cover and have a temporary fastener below so you could easily open it for maintenance.

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 Posted: 04-17-2008 08:00 am
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Joined: 09-14-2006
Location: Malaysia
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Hi Greg, Thanks for your comments, I run steel linners in a 910 block, linners are made by Garry Kemp as a special to take the JE pistons, so should not have been a ring problem, the rings were from you, (the more expensive one you sell), and as my linners are as the 907 I don't think thats a problem.

Yes we have 100% humidity and that looks like it may have been the problem, just abit of corrossion, car run all weeknd at the track no problem with the engine.

I think you are right about ametal plate, just wondered if any one else had done anything as electric arcing could be an issue with ametal plate on the plug leads.






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 Posted: 04-28-2008 12:06 pm
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Joined: 09-14-2006
Location: Malaysia
Posts: 54
Solved my problem it happend again, but worse, I found petrol leaking from the back air filter down the side of the engine, some had got into the piston and I had a hydro lock, can't believe there was no smell of petrol the first time. turned out the needle valve into the float cha,ber was sticking and petrol was leaking throught the carb into the cyl.

All cleaned up nopw and car runs OK, lucky only on the starter so no bent rods,


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