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16173 will be entering project status...  Rating:  Rating
 Posted: 02-01-2018 11:00 pm
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161st Post

Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
Rebuild of the distributor is underway: expect to have it back in a couple of weeks. An update on the other thing I mentioned: the square cut O-ring in the oil cooler ring was sadly in need of replacement. Brittle to say the least. The new one is much more flexible and quite a bit thicker, so hopefully that'll help.

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 Posted: 02-20-2018 06:19 pm
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162nd Post

Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
According to tracking, I should have my rebuilt distributor back today. So, tonight's the night to get it all back together. Really looking forward to a hopefully leak free distributor. Once it's in, I'm sure I'll have to button down the ignition timing again (I made sure nothing moved when I installed the new timing belt, but the chances of it being perfect are pretty much none I assume).

That'll complete my scheduled winter projects. While I was waiting for the distributor to come back, I refreshed the suspension on my Nash Metropolitan with all new urethane bushings, new shocks, and new tie rods, and cleaned up and painted all the associated stuff like control arms and coil springs.

Since I finished that up last weekend, and since my soft goal was to be done with all the car-related stuff by March 1 or thereabouts, I have a little extra time on my hands.

So, I think I am going to take one final shot at getting Ms. Jenavieve's bonnet perfect. I've painted the car twice over the past few years (the first time was kind of a learning experience) and while I'm happy with the paint on the rest of the car, the bonnet still isn't right... there's a little gouge right near the hood bulge that I managed to do while I was painting it last time, and the front edge is a little bumpy with some flaws showing through. I'm going to take it off, bring it home, and spend some quality time getting it properly sanded and leveled, and then give it one last shot with the gun. Why not, right?

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 Posted: 02-22-2018 05:43 am
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163rd Post

Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: Little Chute, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 435
Well. Ms. Jenavieve has a Lucas 25D distributor once again, with Pertronix II. But not without a few foibles along the way.

I went down to the clubhouse last night all ready to install the rebuilt distributor. Got there, organized a few things, and went to "test fit" the distributor, and realized... crap. The ignition wires were still attached to the Pertronix distributor that I removed back when this started. That would be ok, except that said distributor was on my workbench at home, 30 miles away. Again, crap.

So, I think "well, I can at least get it bolted in and if I really want to try finishing it up I could run to the O'Reillys a few miles up the road and pick up some wires". Right? Ok, let's do that. So I go back to the test fit and realized.... once again, crap. The mounting bracket for the distributor is ALSO attached to the Pertronix distributor. Criminy.

So, obviously I wasn't able to do much last night. I packed up a few boxes of odds and ends that I had left there from the Metropolitan refresh, and decided I might as well take the bonnet off and take it home since I had driven my Expedition down for just that reason. So, that was last night's accomplishment: drive 30 miles each way to bring back the bonnet and a bunch of leftover parts. Whee.

We get to today. This time I remembered to grab the old distributor with everything attached. I get down there, and go through the gymnastics of trying to get it test fitted in place: set the engine at TDC and make an educated guess as to where the rotor should be pointing. Note to self: initial ignition timing setting would be much easier with two people, one to turn the key and one to hold the timing light. After a few failed attempts to start her, rotating the distributor a little in either direction, I realize that it's popped out. Why? Because the 6mm bolt that holds it in the bracket has severely stripped threads in the center of the threaded area. Well, that explains why I can't get it to stay in one place. So, off to the local home improvement store to get a replacement bolt (found one, whew) and back to the clubhouse.

Now that I have a bolt that actually clamps things properly, I go back to the initial timing dance. After a few attempts (and of course attaching a battery charger because the battery has run down with all the failed attempts), I got to where she "tried to start". So, a few more tries and I got her to the point where she would stay running. FINALLY I can now hook up the timing light and see that I'm advanced about 50 degrees. A few more adjustments, and she seems to be OK at about 10 degrees. Good enough till I can take her out on the road for a proper test.


Now just to work over the bonnet and get it looking proper.

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