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Fuel Pump vs Fuel Lines | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 03-15-2019 05:12 pm |
41st Post |
noomg Member
Steve, You say it runs "fairly well", is fairly well something you can live with? I would think $2700 would buy "runs like a top". I'd be reluctant to return to this British car shop, another $1000 might only buy "a little bit better". One thing I noticed after re-reading your posts is you gapped your sparkplugs at .035, the manual calls for a gap of .023 so if you're running a stock ignition with a sparkplug gap of .035 you're probably going to get some missing. I'd check for proper gap before doing anything else, it'll be the cheapest, easiest thing you can do.
Posted: 03-15-2019 05:54 pm |
42nd Post |
redracer Member
The standard for valve shimming is 12 hours of labor; the Loctite #518 cam tower-to-head anaerobic gasket cement is a less than $15, the shims maybe $7/shim?, the cam cover gaskets(orange ones from JHPS) about $36, and the seloc washers around $18, so yes, you are paying a lot(local hourly rate is $72.hour--yours may be higher??). The valve shims should NOT be less than 0.060", or breaking of the shim is very likely(read $$$$$$$). btw, someone posted taking the head off, but this is not necessary. I have shimmed many cars with the head on in the car(yes, there are a few tricks to making sure you don't lose a shim or nut down the oil returns). In short, I would definitely find out what this person's hourly rate is and demand an itemized bill; you will likely need to go somewhere else bruce
Posted: 03-15-2019 05:59 pm |
43rd Post |
noomg Member
Tim, FYI, when I did a valve adjustment a few years ago I didn't find it necessary to remove the head, only the cam towers. I was also told the job might require removing and replacing the towers a couple of times. Maybe I did something wrong but I had to R&R the cam towers at least a half dozen times(lost count)until I was satisfied the gap was correct. But you're right Tim, no matter how you approach it it's a very labor intensive operation. The reason I did a valve adjustment was to get past the CA smog test not because the car was running poorly, it ran fine before valve adjustment. Any mechanic worth his salt should have known a valve adjustment wasn't going to solve this problem. Sorry Steve, unless you specifically told this shop to adjust your valves I think you got hosed.
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