Jensen Healey
Super Moderator

We had a great time at the West Coast Nationals! There were 6 Healeys and lots of Interceptors in Auburn, CA for four days of fun.
My buddy Bob accompanied me for Friday's run including hours of small roads in the foothills of the Sierra with a lunch stop at Bridgeport, the longest covered bridge in the US. When we pulled off the paved road I heard a loud metallic CRACK! One of my header tubes had snapped clear through. Never go off-roading with 500 lbs of men in a JH!
Saturday's show at the Castallano Winery was well attended and we even were allowed to have our mutt puppies at the show, on short leashes. The raffle, dinner, awards, and auction were filled with laughter and we enjoyed ourselves well into the evening inside the wine cave. I even brought home the 2nd place JH trophy!
Early Sunday morning about 10 of us drove the 30 miles to Euro Sunday, a cars and coffee event in El Dorado Hills, CA. Jensen was the featured marque and we had reserved parking for this friendly event. There were at least 100 cool cars there.
Several Interceptors required emergency tech sessions but the Healeys ran trouble free aside my broken header. I made it home and will be repairing soon for the August trip to the Monterey Historics.
A good time was had by all and I hope to see more of you at the next West Coast Nationals.
Kurt Housh
JH 13148