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Heater fan switch | Rate Topic |
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Posted: 06-25-2009 12:00 am |
1st Post |
Joe Mama Member
Has anyone ever removed the heater fan switch from the center console without removing the console? Mine has become separated from the back and I want to remove it to re-assemble.It seems like it should push out from the back but does not and I don't want to break it. Thanks...
Posted: 06-25-2009 03:27 am |
2nd Post |
dwalls1 Member
Can't personally help out, but if member Jody Kerr checks in on this, he would know if anyone does.
Posted: 06-25-2009 03:47 am |
3rd Post |
JodyKerr Member
You're in luck, I just happen to have the console assembly sitting in front of me. The switch in question has four tabs that you need to compress. They are on the sides of the switch at the bottom and top. Said tabs are what hold the switch in place. As you squeeze the tabs the switch should come out through the front of the wood grain panel. Now, all this being said, the switch is a sealed unit. If it's "come apart" you may not be able to repair it. I'm looking at the switch, and the larger front half is glued to the back half, there's no way to dissasemble it. If you can get a hand back up under the console and on the switch (there's a bunch of junk in the way, it takes patience and small hands) the trick is to compress the bottom tabs and push the bottom out a little, and then the top tabs. Good Luck! Jody
Posted: 06-25-2009 07:56 pm |
4th Post |
Joe Mama Member
Thanks...got it out. That was a tight fit. The switch is the same as the headlight switch which broke a few years ago in exactly the same spot.There is a front and a back that fit together and the plastic tends to break where the back snaps into the front part and they separate. Before I contact Delta for what is available as a replacement , do you ,or anyone else out there, have one in good condition that you can spare? Thanks...
Posted: 06-26-2009 03:06 am |
5th Post |
Gary Martin JH 15371 Member
The head light switch and heater switches are identical except for the label. Delta does have the orignial style, but are very expensive. They have a similar switch that is much cheaper. But it does not fit the hole in dash exactly, and you have to cut and change the connectors on your wiring to adapt to the switch. I have had some sucess gluing the original style switch back together. Be sure to lube inside with some electrical grease. Finding old switches that are good is difficult. Gary
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