View single post by Jensen Healey
 Posted: 10-26-2010 06:35 am
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Jensen Healey

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: San Anselmo, California USA
Posts: 983
Dear Greg,

Thank you for enriching my Jensen Healey experience. Your club is a constant source of contact and camaraderie with the JH owners of the world. The JHPS is not just a source for parts, the publisher of the Standard, and a repository of the history of the marque, it is the world wide hub of everything JH!

I was in the garage looking at a JHPS cloth patch that said "JHPS Since 1990". I was struck that 20 years is a really long time to carry the torch and I, for one, wanted to thank you.


Kurt Housh

JH 13148