View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 03-24-2010 05:33 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
My experience with the oil cooler hoses and fittings is that they are really tight. I used an open-end wrench and a long piece of tubing I had as an extension and slowly applied pressure until they started to move. It also helps if you can either brace the other fitting or have someone help you.

On the GT engine I am working on from the sandwich plate there is a fitting with male threads on both sides and then the oil hose. Removing the hose from here is difficult as you can not turn the hose enough to get it off. I've better luck removing the hose from the oil cooler. Then you can turn the hose as you remove it from the engine.

I cleaned out one of the oil coolers I had with a long flexible cable with a small brush on the end and clean oil heated by the weather. Granted I'm in Arizona and did it when it was over 100 degrees outside but I think it would work anywhere. Everything was left outside for a couple of hours so it was nice and warm, poured in some clean oil and used the brush. Repeated a couple of times and was ready to put back in the car.
