View single post by SpeedyMitch
 Posted: 01-28-2010 05:27 am
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Joined: 12-17-2009
Location: Hailey, Idaho USA
Posts: 83
Jensen Healey wrote: 3.1 pints for the 4 speed,  4.2 pints for the 5 speed.
Ok, now I'm really confused on how much fluid to put into my Mk1 4 speed!

The workshop manual says (page B12.25): "...then fill the gearbox with 3.5 Imp. pints (4.2 U.S. pts., 1.99 litres) of an approved lubricant..."

If I just pump fluid in until it reaches the bottom of the fill plug the transmission will take about 5 U.S. pints. Since I had 3 quarts of Royal Purple MTL I used this approach. WRONG - now my clutch releases very slooowwwllllyyy.

So the question is: how much should I now drain from the transmission?

Thanks in advance for any insight.