View single post by rossjfox
 Posted: 03-29-2009 03:08 am
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Joined: 05-19-2008
Location: Montville, New Jersey USA
Posts: 56
So, here's how i attached the extinguisher:

I used 16ga steel plate and 3/4" square tubing to make the bracket that the extinguisher bracket attaches to.  I attached my bracket between the seat and seat track.  Most of the peices are pop riveted together.  But one piece uses a screw which makes it easier to remove and insert.  Plastic caps on the end of the steel tubing make it look nice.

Pros:  I like that it places the extinguisher in easy reach and holds it very securely.  It also uses none of the valuable storage space you may need for other items.

Cons:  It's really hard to reach the seat release to move the seat forward and back.  For me, on the passenger seat, that's not a big deal since I can't remember the last time a passenger wanted to move the seat.


Attachment: DSCN5227.JPG (Downloaded 47 times)