View single post by dwalls1
 Posted: 03-17-2009 04:02 am
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Joined: 04-11-2008
Location: Bloomfield, New Mexico USA
Posts: 207
Got the distributor off this evening. Not as difficult as I thought it would be, but it's not back on yet either. Performance had been deteriorating over the last 600 miles or so. The rubbing block on the points was worn down to where the points were hardly opening at all and I suspect were not opening for all cylinders. I have scanned all the posts for ignition and saw one reference to lubricating the points cam, but nothing specific as to how or what to use. I was surprised that there was no wick like I have seen on other systems to apply a few drops of oil. Can anyone enlighten me? Will be ordering new points and condensor and new O ring.  I also discovered that the ignition timing was way retarded, any speculation as to damage that may have occured? Lastly, can I do away with the vacuum retard? I doubt that mine is working anyway and it is such a nuisance to get the vacuum line hooked to it. Thanks in advance for all comments, solutions, answers or encouragement.