View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 02-23-2009 06:04 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
Just to follow up with this thread.

I found a place that tested the springs. They did a 1 inch drop and both springs were measured at 150 pounds.

I removed a front spring from the later 74 JH and it was the same height and size as the front springs from the earlier 74. When they did the same test on the front spring from the early 74 it measured 250 pounds. The later 74 front spring spring wasn't tested as I forgot to put it in the car before I left.

The taller spring will be installed and after everything is assembled again I can check the ride height and see what it looks like.