View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 02-10-2009 10:22 pm
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
While putting the rear end together I happened to notice that the sets of rear springs I had were different heights. By about 1.5 in.

The set from 74 JH 17500 is approximately 10.75 in. tall. While the set from 74 JH 19658 is approximately 9.25 in. tall. I haven't measured them yet but I plan on doing that if I can find someone that has that capability.

Has anyone else ever noticed something like this or have any thoughts. I have no idea if either previous owner modified the suspension in any way.

Attachment: springs.JPG (Downloaded 106 times)