View single post by Joel
 Posted: 10-09-2008 12:36 am
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Joined: 07-01-2005
Location: San Diego, USA
Posts: 184
Thanks for all the kind words.  I just can't imagine that they won't total this thing.  An adjuster will be out in a day or two. 

Just thinking about the work - if I hire someone to do it - is mind boggling.

Carbs, wiring, paint, ancillary parts (alternator, hoses, brakes), all bushings in the front end, timing belt, check pulleys to see if they're still true, etc, etc. 

And I would think I should tear the engine down to see what I cooked.  I would think all seals would be shot.  And if i got hot enough who knows what else is fried.

If I stick with this and build my next one (remember I have another one sitting here and have been slowly accumulating parts to build a 2.2 with a Toyota tranny) - I think I'll put on a fire suppression system. 

That shite happened FAST!!