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 Posted: 06-01-2005 07:30 pm
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Joined: 03-16-2005
Posts: 58
Yes, this has been a topic of much discussion.

Here's the "Reader's Digest Condensed version" as best as I can remember (no guarantees of accuracy):

The axle came from the Vauxhall Viva and its sportier variant, the Firenza. None came with LSD as an option. Vauxhall's competition department made a very small number of units for factory-backed teams but nobody has ever seen one. (I would assume they were Salisbury type but who knows?)

Racers often weld them up and just live the hassle of a spool.

There have been a couple of JH's customized with other axles.

Once upon a time Dave Bean was taking deposits to have Quaife make some ATB diffs. As I understand it Quaife didn't get around to it back then and DBE eventually dropped it and refunded deposits.

Recently one of our clubbers started the Quaife idea up again and a bunch of us showed interest. This activity ran out of steam at some point.

I've been thinking of taking up the cause again myself but for me it's on a back burner right now.