View single post by Brett Gibson JH5 20497
 Posted: 07-01-2008 04:59 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497


Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
Posts: 798
Judson, at the last couple of Nationals here in the East I have been checking belt tension with this gauge from Mcmaster Carr on a large number of cars, what seem's to be a ideal tension measurement is between 95 and 100 lbs on a warm engine, when I see shiny pulley's the belts are usually over tight, 120 plus, I even found a car this year running slack at 55 to 60 lbs, seem's the cars will run in a wide range but but once you go over 100 lbs they tend to whine, havent yet run into a car with the half moon belt yet, I would be intrested on what reading works bets for that.

Dial Pull-Style Belt Tension Indicator 40 to 180 Pound Range, 1/2" to 1" Belt Width P/N#60275K21