View single post by pbahr
 Posted: 03-30-2008 05:36 am
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Joined: 04-15-2005
Location: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 202

If you are just street driving, Scott has the best solution.

Judson has also given the correct proceedures and characteristics of operation when running on the track.  Do NOT leave the Accusump connected during street driving !

YELODOG has a 3 qt Accusump connected via an adapter at the location of the stock Oil Filter.  But, I have a remote oil filter, and the plumbing gets more complicated.

If you are interested in a competition configuration, send me an email and I can forward drawings of my setup.

See also the extensive discussion of Accusump in this forum "Accusump" last post May 19, 2007.  Lots of the issues are covered there.

Pete Bahr