View single post by StabnSteer
 Posted: 03-20-2008 11:35 pm
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Joined: 03-16-2005
Posts: 23
Some excellent thoughts. I tried super glue but it wouldn't bond to the material well enough to allow it to grip and it snapped very easily. Epoxy was the same thing - which is why I'm astounded by this material since I can't get anything to really bond to it.

The hose clamps...maybe that would work with a lot of patience. I tried it for about 20 minutes, trying to find a way to get it to wrap around the right bits and after shorting out the electrical connections on the assembly a couple of times, decided it wasn't the best option. A hose clamp won't wrap all around the assembly since it is not one smooth ring so it would have to be at a weird angle.

And yep - I initially started with the duct tape! But, as anyone who tries this discovers, it eventually starts spinning again. :)

The break is at the bottom of the loop - so it is directly opposite the tightening mechanism. I'll have to look at it all a bit longer but I kind of like the metal/pop rivet idea. I might be able to make that work and that idea hadn't occurred to me.

'Twas 70 degrees out today, so I would love to get the car ready to go for its yearly inspection! Thanks for the ideas!

Kansas City