View single post by Brett Gibson JH5 20497
 Posted: 03-18-2008 04:01 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497


Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
Posts: 798
George, first thing to realize with attaching the spoiler Delta supplies, is that you just don't bolt it up the way it came, if you try to do that it comes out looking like it doesnt belong.

You need to cut small amounts off untill you get the proper fit, the biggest area that gets cut is were the spoiler rests in front of the oil cooler, and were it sweeps down to go under the the sides of each fender. best tool for cutting is a Dremel, and use C-clamps to hold it up to figure your next cut.

I used four small bolts to hold it along with fender washers, one spot were the fender meets the oil cooler shelf, and the next at the very end of the spoiler were it attaches to the wheel arch, yes you need to cut that much off to get it back enough to line up with the wheel arch. once in place with the middle section resting on the shelf the thing is going no where, I've had mine up to a 100 mph plus and it's rock solid.

I may have a couple of pictures around some place if you want to have a look.

Brett.   C-Ya at Watkins