View single post by StabnSteer
 Posted: 03-13-2008 10:29 pm
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Joined: 03-16-2005
Posts: 23
The other day, my turn signal began rotating around the steering shaft when I tried to apply the blinker. Turns out the plastic-like ring that cinches down onto the shaft broke so that no amount of tightening of the screw will cause the assembly to grip the shaft. I tried a few materials on the crack to see if I could find something to repair it...most plastic-repairers do a kind-of melting of the pieces together, but this material refuses to melt.

Anyone had to make this repair before? I even hoped I could do something like a hose clamp around the thing, but I can't get the clamp to grip evenly around the assembly without getting in the way of operation (or, fun-fun, shorting some of the electric bits!).

Thanks for any thoughts!