View single post by Brian Kelly
 Posted: 05-18-2005 07:00 pm
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Brian Kelly


Joined: 03-22-2005
Posts: 43
OK guys sorry I missed this one.  Adding oil CAN be a Breeze!

Just head to your local HW store and buy an electrical 4" octagon box cover plate and a couple of sheet metal screws. Now pull out the floor mat on the passenger’s side and lift the carpet up.  Place an “X” on the side of the tranny tunnel approximately where the fill plug is located on the tranny.  Get this as close as possible. Drill a .25” dia hole into the tunnel at this location and stick a small screw driver through to verify correct location.  Once location is verified cut a 2"- 3” dia hole thru the tunnel using a hole saw in a drill (maybe another trip to the HW store). 

Now you have access to the fill plug with an ordinary socket and short extension.  Use the cover plate to cover the hole when done.

To fill I use an ordinary quart oil bottle with a hose connected to the end (Auto zone or equiv.)

Happy fillings,
