View single post by Rob Rawe
 Posted: 10-19-2007 04:57 am
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Rob Rawe


Joined: 08-17-2007
Posts: 19
While reinstalling the modified existing tach that would work with the Electromotive HPV-1 distributorless ignition , & following their tech's recomendations on how it should be wired in , upon start up the ignition light came on & continues to stay on.

 So I remove the alternator & take it to a alternator repair shop, after testing it they said it was only producing 28A, & that the rectifier or some of the diodes were bad.

They called some of their part suppliers, but no luck finding the rectifier.

I tried doing search online for a Delco replacement Using the seven digit part # that was stamped on the case where the two halves joint on the DELCO REMY site to see if they had a cross reference  to a newer model , but nothing would come up because all their part #'s  required eight  digits.

Can any one provide info for a Delco alternator that will work for & mount to J.H.