View single post by Mark Rosenbaum
 Posted: 05-17-2005 03:23 pm
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Mark Rosenbaum

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Kingman, Arizona USA
Posts: 532
For the 4-speed, there are two relatively easy ways to add oil to the transmission, and I suppose that the 5-speed would be similar.

(1) Use a pump of some sort to transfer the oil.  Depending on what's available to you locally, you might consider a pump of the sort Brett suggests, an inline pump of the type used to syphon fuel, or one of those pumps that attaches to the mouth of an oil can. A caution: do resist the urge to see if you're almost done by sticking a finger into the fill hole.  I did that once, and was seriously considering a field amputation before finally managing to unstick the finger.

(2) Insert a 3/8" or 1/2" ID hose into the fill opening, run the free end of the hose up and forward into the engine bay,  stick a funnel into this end, and just pour the oil in.  Two cautions here: (a) make sure the hose won't come out of the tranny in mid-pour, and (b) don't overfill the funnel.

An alternative, for those inclined, is to cut a hole in the side of the transmission tunnel adjacent to the fill plug, and fill the transmission through this hole.  Afterwards, the hole could be covered with a piece of sheet metal held in place by a couple of screws.