View single post by Tim Murphy
 Posted: 05-17-2005 04:06 am
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Tim Murphy

Joined: 03-22-2005
Location: Huntington Beach , California USA
Posts: 97

My 74, VIN 17303 ran good for a week. Now the ignition light stays on, the voltmeter takes about 5 minutes to get just barley into the white, i.e., about 12 volts.

Normally this past week the ignition light goes off after starting and revving the engine, my voltmeter has been at 14 volts, i.e., past the vertical line at 13 volts. Help me before I get my shotgun and blow my car to bits.

Other things that may (or may not) be related: I know my hazard switch is bad and I have a new one. The center consul is till out and all the wires just piled together. I put on a new alternator belt and is was squeaking upon heavy acceleration even thought I thought the belt was tight enough.

First, am I driving on just the battery?

Where to start in trying to diagnose the problem?