View single post by Harkes
 Posted: 06-18-2007 09:12 am
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Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Warmond, Netherlands
Posts: 216
Hi Mdutch, greetings from a dutch guy :)

Greg used to sell fully reconditioned SU units (send in your unit) and it came with electronic solid state head. I do believe the reconditioning was done by Dave Dubois. I don't see these anymore on the JHPS. Greg still sells the new SU units which will be just fine as well, just a little more expensive.

I bought a reconditioned SU with electronic solid state head. It looks original, but no more points to service and which can get stuck. The pump still ticks like your old one, and will provide you many years of service.

I also bought an aluminium fuel tank from this guy in CA (i believe he is based in San Diego but i can look it up). Great tank, works fine and is lighter then the original.

I added Greg's new glas fuel filter. Do place this between tank and SU pump and not between SU pump and engine. If you want you can install a fuel pressure regulater in front of the carbs.

Good luck in getting your JH back on the road.

Last edited on 06-18-2007 09:14 am by Harkes