View single post by Ron Earp
 Posted: 05-03-2005 05:46 pm
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
I've traded emails with that fellow.  Actually, one of his "Prod JH to be" cars was up for sale.  Not a bad deal either, but I don't want to race production due to preference.  Fields are too small, you end up racing against the 2,3,4 or 5 guys in your group that show up. Plus, production gets really expensive since engine modificaitons are much more extensive.  If you attend a Spring National Opener you can start counting production motors that go "boom!" on your fingers you'll typically need both hands.

IT on the other hand is milder, more stable from a reliability standpoint, and have very large fields with lots of competition.  We're racing VIR this weekend and the IT run group has got 56 cars pre-registered into my run group, ITS and ITA. 

Regarding the other IT JH car that supposedly ran, I've got feelers out (and Judson might have talked to him by now) to find that fellow and chat with him about his experiences.  Of the people I met that saw/knew him they said the car never ran a competition race, only in practice due to sorting issues.  That is too bad since it would be nice if one was running now to see and to learn from.  There are not that many Brit cars running in IT (lots on production), a TR8 in the mid-west in IT,  the TR8 I wrench on here in the SE in IT, and that is about all I know of.  We're trying to increase the count!