View single post by DeDub
 Posted: 05-01-2007 05:46 pm
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Joined: 04-10-2005
Location: Sebastopol, CA, California USA
Posts: 28
Thanks for answering, Greg.  I never know who's checking on these older, quiet forums.

Well, Blimey, I didn't know JHPS sold K&Ns.  I bought them online elsewhere.  I see the problem now is that I bought the larger of the two sizes that fit DelOs and they interfere in the middle.  I found an epix of a DelO setup with the smaller of the two sizes that worked just fine.  I was hoping for maximum filter area and obviously mismeasured before I bought them.  BUT, my trusty grinder and a bit of hand filing prevailed.  I decided to remove a bit of cover material so they would fit rather than return them and get the smaller size.  They're on, they look great and the car is a HOOT to drive.  My first JH and it's a blast.  I'll post some epix or a link to my website when I've got it together, another few weeks more or less.
