View single post by Ron Earp
 Posted: 04-28-2005 02:09 am
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
Mark that drawing is precisely what I envisioned - thanks for putting that out there. Excellent piece of work and if I have something made we'll owe you royalities.  That is perfect.

It can't go up at all, you are right on that, just not enough room.  But down it can come and I am going to start some measuring. I DREAD having to mess with the shocks and get something different - honestly, the shocks have been the most expensive piece of the car - hell, I put together an entire panhard rod system for the rear with improved trailing arms and roll bar for much less money than I've messed with shocks. 

I just got my head back from the machine shop so it is valve adjustment time and all that happy stuff, but I'll re-visit this issue shorty.
