View single post by DeDub
 Posted: 03-30-2007 04:49 am
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Joined: 04-10-2005
Location: Sebastopol, CA, California USA
Posts: 28
Your mention of using 110 pulleys for my 107 cams made me realize I didn't understand the subtle dynamics of all the cam timing threads I read on the different forums here.  104^ was talked about for the 107 cams and even a 100^, which is a long way from 110^.  But my question is: why can't I use my stock pulleys that are both marked at 110 and 115^, but just line them up where 104^ would be?  Any one reading this thread who has an opinion on this?

only needing a windshield, air cleaner, and paint to put his JH on the road.