View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 01-10-2007 05:18 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
Make sure the front spring seats you get are the ones for the JH. When I went to get mine from Delta they were out. Jim subbed something that was listed through a cross reference that was suppose to work. They are too small. The part # MOS-661-660 is what I got. They are going back the next time I go to Delta.

Those front mounts were around $75.00 - $80.00 each from Delta if I remember correctly. With the bolts out or not tighten too tight, I can move them in place. It sounds like yours are really rusted in there and will take considerable heat and force to get them out.

When I did my front end, I blasted everthing, used a rust convertor to seal the parts, and then used two coats of rust primer to protect everything. Easy to do.

I have seen a couple of vehicles that have powder coated the chassis and have scratches that ripped through the powder coat and you can see rust there. One was a car and the other a truck.
