View single post by Harkes
 Posted: 12-27-2006 11:02 pm
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Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Warmond, Netherlands
Posts: 216
Hi Dan,

i didn't know any of this either until i went through the whole process of a new engine and all :)  Hope my info is a little bit of help to you.

Gary Kemps taught me a lot but there is a whealth of information on this board and great people and i could not have done without.

I discussed crank fired ignition (electromotive) with Gary as well and it is indeed the best ignition you can get for your engine, and indeed the most expensive. If i had the money i would go for this too, but i had to save somewhere. Besides the cost of it, the work necessary (fixing a bracket for the sensor, plugging the dizzy gap etc.) to make it all work is considerate. I might go for this in the future when budget allows.

For the dizzy: I don't know a place in the US, but Greg Fletcher/JHPS offers dizzies on exchange basis. Send in your old one, have it rebuild and discuss with Greg that the shop builds you a new advance curve based on your engine details.

I went to Aldon Automotive in the UK (as i'm based in the Netherlands).

Good luck and please keep me posted.

Happy New Year
