View single post by Judson Manning
 Posted: 11-27-2006 05:54 pm
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 406

You are exactly correct!  I investigated this option for my E-prod car extensively, but it would be illegal for me to use it.  Technically the 2x4 axle is 54.5" wide and the 4x4 is 59" and the JH drum is 9", but none of that is important.  How about those GM vented Aluminum drums saving a bunch of weight???

Later S10 axles have disc brakes (too big for JH wheels) and an 8" ring gear vs. the 7-5/8" on earlier models.  For comparison the JH ring gear is something like 6".  The thought of buying almost ANY LSD off the shelf for $300-$400 is extremely appealing!

The SCCA legal Toyota rear end is another option, but requires even more machine work and fabrication than the S10.  More detail when I get further along with my E-prod car....
