View single post by normv
 Posted: 11-22-2006 11:38 am
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Joined: 08-07-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 46
I finaly have my new Jensen LSD diff I picked it up a few weeks ago from my diff man, So it can be done, it only took 9 months but at least I have it now and if it all works as it should for the first couple of races I will have another made as we now have all of the measurements to allow a proper hemisphere to be made next time (there have been 3 failed attempts so far at this) I will add a few minor changes of things I am not happy with and I will use this one in my road car.

Unfortunately there are no standard parts used here except the clutches as I understand it. So it is not a off the shelf item and did require a few minor modifications to the pinion and housing, fortunately I had spare gears made when they were doing them so I have a set for the next one.

Attachment: JH_LSD2.jpg (Downloaded 434 times)