View single post by Ron Earp
 Posted: 11-19-2006 02:19 pm
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Ron Earp

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Cary, North Carolina USA
Posts: 339
That is correct as far as I know. None of the Getrag BMW boxes made match the pattern of the 235 transmission, unfortunately.

I have one five speed in the car, and one as a spare.  In fact, just cleaned up the spare the other day.  If I didn't have to run them for racing I wouldn't - I'd use what Judson and others recommend - Toyota 5 speed or a Ford 5 speed. Much more robust, easily repaired, and affordable.

You have two "easy" choices other than an adapter kit, the stock Chysler 4 speed and the stock 235 Getrag 5 speed. A lot of those transmission/combinations Judson lists are extremely rare in the US due to numbers of cars available.


Last edited on 11-19-2006 02:20 pm by Ron Earp