View single post by smcmanus
 Posted: 11-18-2006 04:11 pm
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Joined: 03-08-2006
Posts: 123
I've got the JH on the lift and even ran it for a moment.  It sounds good and the oil pressure is strong.

Stupid question 1:  Just in front of the bellhousing on the aft top of the block is what appears to be a 3/4" heater hose fitting.  Nothing is connected to it.  Should there be?

Stupid question 2:  There is a small plastic tube between the carburetors on the top of the flange where it mates to the manifolds.  This has a T with a hose that just hangs there?  What is this for?

Stupid question 3:  The distributor has what appears to be a vacuum advance on it.   on the distributor opposite this device is a knurled nut.  There is what looks to be a vacuum hose fitting on the vacuum advance looking thing.  What is this, and should it be connected to something?

Yes, I purchased a manual.  It doesn't answer my questions and I'm not sure what good it is.

Thanks for the help





Attachment: JH-3.jpg (Downloaded 13 times)