View single post by Harkes
 Posted: 11-15-2006 01:43 pm
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Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Warmond, Netherlands
Posts: 216
I have checked them out since i'm dutch and this is a dutch company and i was in need of a new dizzy as mine was leaking.

They do not have a model for the Lotus 907 engine or the Esprit. It was recommended one could try, at your own risk, a standard of the shelf 123 dizzy for MGB or Mini I believe it was. Since the 123 dizzies are expensive i did not want to run the risk to see if it would work.

The problem is the Lotus is a horizontal application and there is quite some oil pressure. I had a distributor made some years ago by Aldon Automotive esp. for the Lotus 907 and the darn leaked from day 1 and quite a bit.

Next problem with the 123ignition is that they will NOT work with an MSD set up.  Also, if you have a Pertronix Flamethrower coil like i have then check the Ohm levels. 123Ignition requires 1Ohm and i believe the Pertronix Flamethrower is 0.5ohm or so.

Pertronix Ignitor can of course no longer be use when you opt for the 123 ignition.

Having said all that, the 123Ignition IF they had a Lotus 907/Esprit model, is an awesome all in one distributor including electronic ignition and one can choose from 16 advance curves!!! And you can set STATIC timing easily as there is a built-in LED that will light up!!!

Through JHPS it could be worthwhile to have a few made for the 907. For those who don't have pertronix ignitor, flamethrower and/or MSD and who are in need of a new distributor or want to go for electronic ignition this could be really interesting.

Erik Harkes



Last edited on 11-15-2006 02:06 pm by Harkes