View single post by Jensen Healey
 Posted: 09-10-2006 04:03 am
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Jensen Healey

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: San Anselmo, California USA
Posts: 983
Hi All,

Are the universal joints common items or unique to the JH? I have the driveshaft out and the front U-joint is loose. I would like to replace it and see if my strange noises go away before digging deeper into the clutch and pressure plate. I have a local wholesale parts house that's open Sundays.


Edit: I got the U-joint out and it was fried. The bearings in one cup had disintegrated and the post was 1/4 inch shorter than the rest! The yokes measure 15/16ths as do the cups so I should be able to get one tomorrow. The hardest part of the affair is re-filling the transmission.

I have the earlier rear flange which is smaller with smaller U-joints than the later version. I have a rear end with driveshaft with the beefier parts from a car with engine #74 04 6951.  Does anyone know when the switch was made?

Last edited on 09-10-2006 05:37 am by Jensen Healey