View single post by stg
 Posted: 09-08-2006 05:05 am
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Joined: 09-04-2006
Location: Sausalito, California USA
Posts: 28
Offline've found a great car.

It is 10 hours away and out of state in a place that has a pretty high crime rate.

It's the weekend so I doubt a bank would be open to get cash there.

How do you pay for this car?

We really don't want to carry that much cash and the seller only wants cash.  We are a tad weary...are we just getting old?

We offered Certified check (not cashier's...those scammers have ruined it for everyone), money orders, paypal, and anything the seller could think of other than cash, but no go...

What would you do to make sure this was a secure sale?

