View single post by normv
 Posted: 09-03-2006 01:09 pm
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Joined: 08-07-2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 46

You indicated the standard Jensen axles may be weak, As you know I am building one to race in Australia it will only run 13x6 wheels with 205 60 road (Grooved slicks) as race 2L and braced housing with LSD (yes that is correct) do you believe I may have a problem with standard axles. Also I am hoping if they do break it is at the step down not at the flange? For anyone who is curious about the LSD it is a clutch type which I had custom made as I have to use the standard housing. It has taken 9 months but I will be picking it up and paying(the bad part ) next week , I believe they have the cnc specs now if I need more but not sure as 3 different machinists had ago from various parts of Australia, you wouldn’t think it would be that hard. I know the first one he has the cnc data for it is just a shame it was to thin in critical places.
