View single post by Mark Rosenbaum
 Posted: 08-18-2006 03:54 am
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Mark Rosenbaum

Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Kingman, Arizona USA
Posts: 532
Attached is a modified factory parts drawing showing the parts in question.  Naturally, each axle requires a full set of them.  The highlighted items are:
  • 35 -- Bearing (usually provided with items 36 and 37)
  • 36 -- O-ring
  • 37 -- Bearing retaining ring
  • 38 -- Bearing retaining plate
  • 39 -- Gasket
It should be fairly clear that the bearing is located internally by ring 37 and secured by plate 38 (which is generally re-usable).  Oil sealing is accomplished by o-ring 36 and gasket 39.  Note that the bearing is a press-fit on the axle and that a large press is generally required for its removal.

Attachment: Rear axle bearings.jpg (Downloaded 81 times)