View single post by mule
 Posted: 08-18-2006 02:52 am
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Joined: 08-16-2006
Posts: 3
Thanks for your quick reply and picture, Mark.

I now believe I was mistaken in saying that the Timken and BCA part number RW109R include a backing plate.  I think Green Ball Bearing used to make the backing plate for RW109R, but I don't remember their part number for it.

I didn't notice a backing plate in your picture, Mark.  Maybe the '72-75 Healey doesn't require it...?

In any event, Timken has a part number RP109, and I think this is the item I'd like to see pictured.  What I saw years ago was from a distributor that packed RW109R and RP109 together, selling it as a kit.  I'm still trying to remember if there is any hardware that goes with it, or if it was just the bearing, lock ring, and backing plate....